Summary financial statements 2015 - Balance sheet

Notes to the balance sheet

  • The summary financial statements were prepared in compliance with Articles 19 and 20 of the BOIP’s financial regulations.
  • Bonds, shares and other investments are stated at fair value. The realised and unrealised results are recognised in the income statement.
  • The tangible and intangible fixed assets are stated at cost or on the basis of the costs incurred, less accumulated depreciation and, if applicable, less impairments.
  • Current liabilities mainly consist of deferred income (payments for services not yet rendered).
  • Non-current liabilities mainly consist of liabilities connected with staff rules which are required by the IPSAS to be accounted for under liabilities. The pensions, the part-time working scheme for older staff (PAS scheme) and pension bonus debt positions are new. The debt resulting from healthcare costs after retirement is a consequence of the Headquarters Agreement.


  • In addition to the cumulatively withheld operating results, the cumulative surplus also reflects the changes in the non-current liabilities incorporated directly via the equity. In 2015, that involved the adjustment of the interest rate for the calculation of non-current liabilities for staff from 2% to 2.5%. In the case of the liabilities for pensions and healthcare costs after retirement this resulted in a release of €1,527,000.